Life is a little brighter if you smile :)

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Im lost at how I should feel now.

Okay. Besides being all paranoid about exams, but the race.
Didn't expect myself to do exceedingly well but didn't expect myself to get last.
The water jump was a real stopper for me!
You know the technique to leap across it but when you're standing on the steeple,
I just jumped with two legs into the water!

Gosh! What an experience! I comfort myself for being able to finish the race even if it
was my very first time doing such a distance and doing the water jump.
Though slow, but AH WELL!

School was pretty much useless for me =P
You see, I get distracted when thinking about the race. And somehow, I felt sleepy.
So with the blend of the snooze bug, HOW DO I CONCENTRATE!
Luckily Econs was off, if not, that would be another lesson gone to waste.

Okay. Tommorow is Armagaddon.
I hope my Chem MCQ gets higher than the disgusting timing I ran.

I dont want to study anymore!


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