Life is a little brighter if you smile :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

oh HO! I know i haven't blogged for suchh a LONGGG time. Just didn't have the blogging mood.HAHAHAHAHA.

So, today started off bad with a headache when i woke up and run.Continued throughout the day until i took a long nap in the afternoon. This means that i was in my PMS mood in the morning and afternoon.

Both lunch and dinner was with dad's friends. Nothing interesting..

Well, other stuff that happened during the non-blogging period:

Ate ice-cream at island creamery for the first time. Hahaha. Very Berry is not bad. But again, i would give that up for the mudpie. And if you were wondering the CHESTNUTS. Me and My sis saw the RJ person who solo-ed a small part at the esplanade concert. So his solo was " Chestnuts roasting on an open fire.." And well, my sister dared me to go foward to him(in island) and say " Nice Chestnuts!". Erhum, i didn't do it. Obviously, if you think about it...

Next event thingy, erm. NYPSCO Org Comm Dinner. Quite a funny affair. Not alot came cos of last minute stuff. Anyhow, it was still fun. Food was good. John Tucker Must Die is also quite entertaining. Typical Bimbotic show for the event!

Other small stuff would be like going out with Sister to watch National Treasure. Catching up with Dwi. Cooking dinner on Sunday! Beautiful..

Starters: French Onion Soup
Main Course: Pasta with Mushroom Cream Sauce
Side: Teryaki Chicken ( Supposedly)
Dessert: Panna Cotta topped with a slice of straberry and chocolate truffle sauce. YUM!

Ah well. Tommorow would be TRYING to finish Sophie's World. Swimming. Baking Bread Pudding with Vallina Sauce. and...dinner with Dad's friends again.

Merry Christmas 2007!

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