Life is a little brighter if you smile :)

Friday, December 28, 2007

Ms Bhutto is gone. Pakistan is in a mess. Gosh. The country is thrown into a EXTREMELY unstable economic, political...

And all we cared is that if there is a fly in our soup..

Ah well. Finished Sophie's World. FINALLY. Quite a weak ending. I suppose it is really hard to end for many books. Harry Potter, Life of Pi, Sophie's World, all had not-very-nice endings. Not that i can do better but I would have expected more from these amazing authors.

Watched I Am Legend yesterday. Hmm. Quite a action-pack film. But the film makers tried to make the audience tear by using the usual "cute child" and "lost a friend" ideas. Good film but could be better. And according to Zhan Hui and Glen, Will Smith shown exercising in films is just to 'gei kiang'. Hahaha.

Thats all for now!

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