Life is a little brighter if you smile :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

I should be Studying

well, i assert and confirm that i am unable to work if i don't get at least 6 hours of sleep.

today was a killer.
the halabalu on the stage spoke for itself.
and that drained my day. gosh

anyhow, why did i sleep late then? study? ioc? NO. i was reading national geographic. OH THE VICE. Keep me from going MADDD. haha.

its fairly interesting, and well, its well worth my time.

something i didn't know was that jaguars aren't endangered...yet. Well, i kinda got the notion that all spotted creatures are endangered.

but if that is so, we may be losing a particular female education institution. nothing intended!

and how bluewhales congregate at the Costa Rican Dome, this area where there are many krills.

well, so much for that.

not gonna help me unless i plan to grow up and be Tarzan or something.

'jet jet jet of the jungle dumb as you can be! oh e oh e oh e oh!!!!! watch out for ib!'

ooooh. bad joke

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