Life is a little brighter if you smile :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Well, it is amazing that we have reached the end and YAY!

No no. You guys are not getting on how i fare for this exam. Dont be naughty ok. ITS OVER. If you want advice, print the bell curve, hang it in your room and pray to it everyday.

Hmm, too many stuff happened during this LONG period of time. Remember there was this article about some genius kids. They aren't really that AMAZING though. Well to start off, it is the june paper, which tends to be easier. If angion was there. He did own them. right glend?

Next will be the poor Finland people. Ah. The student was known to be a nice guy and well, his mental condition is known as introvert right? They said that in anger managment once. Let see, to jog YOUR memory. An extrovert( if there's such thing!) is someone who shouts and swears at the cashier. An introvert is the cashier who one day takes a gun and fires at the guy.

Ah, news aside! So cool, Mrs Tey ran to school. It is quite a distance i think. Hmm, Ms Goh was wearing the 4C t-shirt, Ms Jazilah looks much happy then before. Gosh, why am i blogging about teachers. Goodness, im hypocritical! *Gasp

Ah nuts. Im getting tired and the Life of Pi wants me to read it. Oh yes..i forgot to introduce myself. I am Sze Jet..hi..

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