Life is a little brighter if you smile :)

Friday, September 26, 2008

I am a messed up kid.
I am so sick of exams that I cannnot be bothered.
You know? Its scary.
Instead feeling worried, wanting to study, I actually am feeling calm.
Stressed. a little. but not worried.

I cannot even recognise Ammonia being sp3.
I am so useless!
Its good in a sense though.
People will stop thinking that I am smart.
Which is the truth! I am not!

Now, I am just plain. normal. dumb boy.
A simple life lies ahead.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

exams! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
False hope? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Conc Camp! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


Monday, September 15, 2008

oh am I so tired today.
So very sorry if it freaked anybody out but yes,
when Im tired, I am generally high.
and the bad thing is anything comes out from my mouth.
there is hardly any filter.

pretty moment today was when buble went "L is for the way you look at me.."
I had to glance up to see freshly bloomed purple coloured flowers from a tree!
Yup, it sounds pretty wussy but thennnn,
the flowers were pretty period.
moreover, the walk home was breezy :)

oh yes, i just bought digestives!
you like them too don't you? ;)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

its so darn doodely dang STRESSFUL!
I am dying under that S word.

Just realised the implications of not doing well.
The expectations, Con camp.
Thats the most worrying one.
I am dying dying dying.
Stress Stress Stress.
I even swore for the first time in months.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


before i was sick:
maple syrup

milo powder

im dead.
sneeze sneeze. sleep sleep.
all the s's yet the one i need is not happening
what a horrid week!
Aside from the short, long destressing moments,
gosh! the lack of sleep!

And moreover, I am sick. Argh! Flu Flu Flu.
Just bought a box of disgusting tasting Strepsils from an overfriendly shopkeeper.

Yesterday was enjoyable!

Hypothesis: There is a negative correlation between exams and your well-being.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

gosh! I need sleep.
I am running on Caffine as fuel.
It is confirmed that I need lots of sleep to survive.

day begun quite boring.
the usuals.
school ended pretty well though :)
happy happy happy!


Tuesday, September 09, 2008

today! :)

in the tiniest nutshell:

swimming was TIRING
Vanilla again :)
and a beautiful sunset


Monday, September 08, 2008

:) Before studying begins

I finished the Clodhoppers!! My goodness! In 24hours.
Abstinence is just not my oomph.
It was gooooood though!

First day of the term was tiring!
Late night due to IOP.
My breakfast got me high though!
Yummy yummy yummy! :D

The only other pretty moment of the day:

Jazz tunes reverberrated within the ears.
Cool, calm surroundings.
The air scented with vallina!
A baker at work!
or if better, a vanilla :) pod tree around the corner :)))

Friday, September 05, 2008

E-rritaing EXAMS!
I having the BLUES.
I cannot do concentrate
I can't seem to do Maths as I used to.

I am dying dying dying.

I am prepared to become a road sweeper.

Oh yes! though one thing I am amused at recently was the ability to finish a tub of icecream.
One stinking TUB!

Better treasured it now,
I don't think I can earn enough to buy that next time considering my future job aspects.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

You all are too nice! Making me feel so guilty... :(
I seriously don't think I am so previliged to get all this attention.

Understanding the difficulty to plan things, I REALLY LOVE YOU GUYS!
The EXCO+Mervyn!
I thought the CPA2 thing was so very good already! And although a lunch could follow after,
who knew I had to spoil everything because I was too embarassed. BLEH!
Painted face, wearing a corny hat just is too much to be shameless. at City Hall.

And the EPIC surprise at Goodwood. GOSH!
Coming to my home would just be too far and complicated but the entire thought of it.
You guys are lovely!

And everybody's well wishes:
sweet sweet SWEET people!

Monday, September 01, 2008

i fear my exams.
i really do.

my running has regressed.
today's long run was tiring,
which should not be the case.

although choir is to take a break
stuff is still on my mind.

thank the talk on sunday.
it put my mind off certain things,

i am keeping a smile!
smiley smiley smiley!
la la la la la.

Oh, and a certain sign of stress
when you start talking to ovens,
konkers is near...